Looking for Eric
A few days ago, I rewatched “Looking for Eric” by Ken Loach on RaiPlay. I vaguely remembered watching it with a football fan, and not just any football fan… so I wasn’t sure what it would be like to see… Leggi tuttoLooking for Eric
Together we can fly
A few days ago, I rewatched “Looking for Eric” by Ken Loach on RaiPlay. I vaguely remembered watching it with a football fan, and not just any football fan… so I wasn’t sure what it would be like to see… Leggi tuttoLooking for Eric
The Grinch in me extends to Valentine’s Day (and actually generally to all the holidays where one “has to”…), regardless of whether I’m with someone or not or maybe. I get annoyed by the abundance of red and hearts invading… Leggi tuttoGrinching away
Inspiration, as often happens, from the School of Life: With one exception, no animal is capable of hating itself. That exception, of course, is human beings.This tendency to self-hatred is not only destructive of our spirit; it constantly undermines our… Leggi tuttoSelf-love
In his famous soliloquy, Hamlet concludes that «conscience doth make cowards of us all». Here, conscience isn’t about acting morally, but rather the (probably exclusively) human ability to anticipate the consequences of our choices. Hamlet grapples with the dilemma of… Leggi tuttoConscience and cowardice
C’è sempre qualcosa da imparare, perfino quando si sta preparando una lezione che è solo vagamente legata a quanto scoperto. Oggi ho trovato per la prima volta la parola inglese nabob – l’italiano nababbo. È un termine derivato dall’urdu, forse… Leggi tuttoNabobs
In giorni come questo, quando sento tutto il peso del mondo addosso, quando ogni passo fatto con grande fatica da mia madre anziana al cimitero è come un macigno sul cuore, quando l’anima piange perfino per il ragnetto schiacciato durante… Leggi tuttoGimme a hug
On being an HSP / Dell’essere una PAS