After various experiences with afternoon and evening courses to children, young people and adults I ended up in state schools in 1992, teaching French at Middle School. The following year I fortunately started teaching English at High School and I worked at IPSSCTS Gaetano Pessina, a vocational school for Commerce, Tourism and Social Services, for 12 years. I moved to a new school in 2006 - a technical school called Paolo Caracano (Setificio), where students aim at specialing in the silk industry (textiles, surface design and chemistry).
Within my school I always had several responsibilities, among which
organizing European projects. I still am the web-master of my old school's web-site , of which we unfortunately
only have an Italian version! I have been involved in
a regional project on web accessibility, called Porte
Aperte sul Web (Open
Doors on the Web) since 2003. Thanks to it I have grown both technically and personally,
having met some wonderful people.
When I started teaching at my old school I mostly had Tourism classes so I have developped a good knowledge and quite a lot of material concerning Tourism English. In more recents years I mostly worked with Social Services classes and acquired quite a bit of know-how. It's Chemistry students now at Setificio...
Thanks to my long experience using computers, I also taught a relatively new subject called Information and Communication Technology (TIC), which doesn't exist in the new school. What will I invent there?
For web-sites on teaching English as a Foreign language see the following links: